Love’s National Lampoon Vacation
There is soooooooo much to tell you guys I am doing a video diary this evening. It is funny, sad, nerve wracking and unreal all at the same time. This is one of those times in life where you wonder…should I laugh, cry or just keep on keepin? Well as you know I am not a quitter nor is Michael so onward we go, hopefullywith good health in hand.
Camshows will be a bit off this week. I was not going to be doing any due to being in a remote local however that has changed so you guys are going to have to se me:) LOL! I will post on here as soon as humanly possible when I will be jumping on and as many of you can make it…. that would be awesome! This evening check the members cam archives for my video diary on the weeks craziness and I will look forward to seeing you all very soon.