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Dragin ass today! That is what I get for eating crappy last night and making love for 2 hours! HEHEHE all worth it I am actually not complaining just having a tough time getting my butt in gear. I have a ton to do today and have to be on my game so here I come Starbucks!

I am trying to plan a trip to CA and I am just not sure if I can get away. So much going on here but some much could be done there. YIKES! I also have to get into the gym and burn off these hot wings LOL! Man those were good.

I am trying to prepare myself for the first day of Kindergarten. I am so excited for E and so very proud but I am struggling with how fast she has grown up. She is my pride and joy that little bundle and brings so much happiness to our world. Have a great day everyone and savor the gifts you have been given🙂



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