What an awesome Saturday


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This is one of those days where I just had the opportunity to sit back and learn a bit about life from 8 year olds. It really is amazing how much they know and when we take the time to listen….their insight is genius, and sometimes sad. It amazes me the knowledge and ability to understand “grown-up” concepts children now a days posses. My daughter has a girlfriend over this evening. One she has not seen in months. They have grown up together and been BF’s since 3 years old. 6 months can go in-between visits but they pick up right where they left off. I had prior plans to have dinner with some of my friends whose children my E is friends with. E did not want to go. I realized real quickly it was due to her fear of losing her BF’s attention and did not want to share her buddy with her other friends. Amazing how our “nature” to preserve what we want and crave kicks in so young. E made me promise we would only stay a little while. I made the promise. 2 hours into our visit at my friends house E came downstairs a little teary eyed. The peer pressure to stay and let her BF stay and play was getting to her. I quickly reminded her of my promise to her. Long story short…I had the opportunity o share with her ways to deal with peer pressure. It was so amazing to me! Anyhoo, just me dealing with the fact my baby girl is growing up.

This evening we made ginger bread houses (ate half of them already) and watched Christmas classics. Last night we watched Polar Express again. I love Christmas! I know I have told you all that before but I do love it! Tree is up, house decorated and shopping done. Now all I have to do is wrap. This year was really fun because I have 12 members who got Christmas gifts this year. They don’t know it yet but they will this year. You guys know who you are…..you have been with me for the longest and watched my site, as well as me grow and change. Eagle…you my dear take the cake. I am honored to call you my friend and hope we remain as such for many years to come.

Tomorrow we have High School Musical on ice. I am trying to be excited but have to admit…this one is all for E! I shall endure because I know she will love it. Have a great week guys and I hope you enjoyed the photo update and I look forward to seeing you guys Thursday at 1PM.



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