911 Kitty emergency room! no not that kitty:)


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Not what I was expecting today! Last night after chat I went to check on the kitty. Our cat just got spayed and declawed so she has been a bit out of it. I carefully flipped her over to check on her stitches and holy crap! She had a bubble the size of a golf ball under the sutures. I was totally panicked so I could not sleep. I got her to the hospital first thing this morning. Thank God she is ok and no more surgery is necessary. She had a bad reaction to the sutures. They are keeping her for observation until tonight. E was balling her eyes out which was almost more than I could take. I got her calmed down and to school and I needed the gym! I worked of the excitement of the day and got to the office. I am spending the day with Sinamon tomorrow. Thankfully she understood. What are friends for? Michael is in FL until ThursdayL I have been working Jack like crazy! I am so excited to get back the club this week and get my freak on:)Best part is Michael will be home when I get back from the club! Hmmmmmm I should come home with a story for him shouldn’t I?


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