Saturday, January 04, 2025

Taking My Own Advice


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Some times the best advice needs to be taken by those who speak it. It always amazes me how from time to time the very advice I have successfully given to others, I need some one to give to me. This past weekend is a perfect example. I was away just for a short weekend but managed to make some drastic mistakes. I have been running around pretty hard lately and seriously only been able to do so because Michael has been willing to cover responsibilities at home/work. That is a huge task because individually one of those two is a lot to handle. So in a nutshell, due to own lack of preparation I was unable to fully have a great time away from home and worse, Michael got the short end of the stick. I was away feeling so guilty for the position I left Michael in that I was not foot loose and fancy free which was only a double whammy for him. I mean really, if you are going to off somewhere that you can have a blast for God’s sake do it right? He is amazing. Not only did I realize some more of my faults (I have many to work on) but I learned even more about Mike.
Lesson 1 – Never forget your priorities.
Lesson 2 – Do not procrastinate
Lesson 4 – Pick up your fucking phone and talk to people. DO NOT Twitter, text or blog your plans or thoughts to your friends and family. Highly ineffective
Lesson 3 – Live each day to the fullest
Simply Simple Simple!!!! It really is that simple. If when you speak, plan or act you think to those 4 things you will not go wrong and everyone will win. On that note I am off to put new pictures on my site and go make love to my favorite man. Don’t forget camshow tomorrow: Click


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