Awesome weekend


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What a weekend! I hope you all had a good one as well. E had a slumber party last night so I had planned days ago to take Michael out on the town for an honest to goodness date. Funny how the night started….get this; I had made reservations at a formal restaurant. We are talking suit and tie and I had a gown to wear. Michael gets home and being the domestic goddess that I am (NOT!) he had nothing to wear. Literally all his laundry was at the cleaners. My bad🙁 So we had to change plans to a more casual setting. As we are getting ready a dear friend of ours calls to tell us he is coming through town and would like to hang out with us. I am so glad I am pretty spontaneous. It was all good. We scrapped the whole “date” idea and just said fuck it let’s hang out and be with our friends (always a good thing). It was a fabulous night. We went and had thai and some drinks and then hung out in the hotel bar where our bud was staying. It was awesome….5 wedding parties ended up in the bar and you know where that went *wink*. Actually we had some wonderfully entertaining conversations, laughed a ton and Michael and I left the hotel to go make made passionate love. It felt so awesome to wake up in his arms this morning. The simple things in life bring so much joy. I am off to get my coffee and then baby girl🙂 Talk to ya soon.



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