The Clothes Off My Back
So much to do so little time….is that not always the case? I suppose I would not have it any other way. I am getting ready for my 10am camshow and excites for that. I am thinking afterward I shall hit the town looking for some new stunt cocks:) Sounds like a brilliant day. I will keep you posted on my endeavor.
I have been busy this AM preparing some fun new AUCTIONS. You can see what is available this week by clicking on the above link.
looks like today is going to be another scorcher but I do love the heat. The hotter it is the less clothing people tend to wear and that is a good thing. When in my house I go naked, the only bummer is when I have errands to do and have to get dressed:( Think of how much we could save in this time of economic difference if we did not need to wear clothing. That is my other stimulus plan:) You know my first! In case you want a pick me up and only have a few minutes…check this out. Here is another option. See you guys soon and then of course again Thursday for our members only show at 7PM.