Doing It Doggie Style


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Good afternoon everyone! What a gorgeous day we have and I am soooooooo ready to get out in it and play. I am getting some work done right now but once I need to break for food I am oouta here! Cam last night was amazing and I am sure…if you were there, know why I called this entry “Doing it Doggie Style.” *wink*

This whole week has been really interesting. Birthday’s can be tough mentally, I have found. I went for days prior, and even up to Monday feeling like this Birthday was totally no big deal. Sometime around 4:30PM it hit me. I found it really odd and actually kind of hard to put my head around. I went from feeling really good to feeling like crying. So stupid right? But it happened. If you have ever felt that know you are not alone. I swore I could care less but when it came down to it, I did and I do. Another year older is just that and all in all I feel really good. But those waves of sadness made me aware that the aging process had me upset for a few hours. It may happen again (most likely) in coming years but I am back on track. Oddly, I would never want to be in my twenty’s again (at least not mentally) but I do my youth as far as how my body looked and felt. I used to be able to get out of bed in the morning without waking the neighborhood with my snap crackle and pop of my bones!!!!!! But again, all in all I would trade the age I am for anything (ok maybe some botox) LOL! and I can not tell all of you how very much your well wishes, gifts and birthday song recordings on my phone made this a really great week. I love you guys and look forward to many many more Birthday with you.




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