Flu Bug


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I am a bit down this evening but hanging in there. For those of you who were on cam with me Thursday morning you know I was not feeling all that hot….well I am doing much better but my little bear is really sick. Poor thing can not keep anything down and has a fever. Apparently this nasty flu bug is going around and she and I had caught it. am doing all I can no nurse her back to health. All she keeps saying is “6 more days Moma, I can get better.” And I say “of course you can and will.” I would take that damn flu on if only I could….nothing harder than seeing your baby ill.

In between sickie breaks I got several updates done. New vids and pics and cams, yeah! I hope everyone is more than ready for Christmas and New Years and can chill for the few days before. I am aiming for just that!


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