Taking Away All Our Fun


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To see more of FOAMY please check out Jonathan Ian Mathers site. Watching this video not only made me almost wet my panties (from laughing), but it got me fired up. I mean really think about it. How many other things in our current world have been made “less fun”. I am not one who believes that everyday all day we should be giggling and laughing and happy happy joy joy, however there are certain things that we should be able to COUNT on being fun. For example…buying CD’s, travel, shopping on line, creating a profile on facebook, etc. Everyone is so scared into submission that we have allowed bullshit “rules” to be enforced upon us. One person overdoses like an idiot on ephedrine and BAM the government takes it off the shelves. No one talks about the number of people it helped. Why aren’t we talking about how pathetic it was that someone took so many of them? common sense guides (shall I dare to say) most of us through life without incident. One person totally fucks up and makes a less then sensible decision and we all get punished? This is happening everywhere. Some jack in the box steals a CD from the store and as Foamy so eloquently put it, has ruined the joys of purchasing CD’s. Airline travel. Need I say more? NO I am sure I don’t but I will. I remember when flying was a fun and exciting adventure. 911 was beyond devastating and certain measures needed to be taken. But seriously? Air travel has become something I loath due to the experience one is given before they even get to the friggin plane. I understand the increased security but do it with a mother f*&^ing smile and not a “your a guilty piece of shit” attitude. We as Americans did not ask for that. We have not done anything but continue to try and live our lives in a much tougher world. A little more hospitality should not be asking too much. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences regarding “fun being taken away” in the comments area below.  Maybe if enough of us actually make a fuss we can re-establish some more freedoms into our daily way of living life!


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