Get ready I am needing to vent!
Productive day full of potentially exciting news. Can’t tell you yetJ But you just never know what is right around the corner. I have had a very interesting week of e-mails from you all. Some members and some non members. I really will never understand the need for some people to be so judgmental of people they do not know. To put oneself on a pedestal so high as to feel justified in placing judgment and condemnation on a stranger is ridiculous. I really feel sorry for people out there who have so much time on their hands that they can scrutinize and pick apart another’s life. Seek inside yourself and fix what is broken before you start trying to fix someone else, especially one who is not broken! My dear Tom, you will never be satisfied by my actions. You have in your mind what you want me to be and therefore poke at my every move……stop. I am not a follower looking to be lead, I have found my way….find your path and go for it. That is all, I do not like to go off like that by damn, when are people going to live and let live? Oh yeah that would be a Utopia! The silliest thing is that it appears that those the most comfortable with their lives, and happy in their own skin are the most disliked amongst certain secs of our population. Total humor… surfers picking on an adult web chick! WTF….ok ok I am done whew do I feel better:)