Going to the booty house!


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As I have mentioned this week I have been ridiculously horney. I can not believe how many times I have “taken care of” myself. Not that this is an abnormal thing for me to do but 3 times a day? Anyhoo I am very much looking forward to going in to play and hopefully find a new friend. I am hoping my tall sexy new friend decides to show up…I am really looking forward to getting to know him better. We have known each other for a few years but never in the way I am interested in:) It does however look very promising. I wonder if he is camera shy?

Michael is terribly missed. It totally made me even buttier when I called him earlier and he told me to have a “really hot” time at work tonight. When he says that my blood gets hotter and I can feel a tingeling sensation between my legs:) I know he and his bud are going out tonight and told him the same ” I want a sexy story!”

I am looking forward to a busy and exciting weekend. E has 2 parties to go to tomorrow and then Sunday will be recouperation day! Have a great weekend and I will see you Wednesday!


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