What a weekend! bikini contests and ass whoopins


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Hey everyone….Ok where do I start? The beginning I suppose. Friday night was the Bikini contest, so I thought. Michael and I got to the club and absolutely no one was there. We took one look inside the club and decided that this was a no go. We called our friends who were down town and they mentioned that the club there was having a bikini contest. I just love an organized event! (Sarcasm). We decide to meet up with them and if nothing else have some fun. 5 girls had showed up so the contest was on, I made 6. After several hours of waiting the contest started. The club was actually pretty slow, great club just slow town! The contest was judged by the crowd, which I thought was kind of cool. Unfortunately I am that naive and did not figure that it was rigged. Of the 6 of us I did not place. That is cool but it was pretty clear to all that the contest was predetermined.

So the contest is over and I go back to my friends. Within a few seconds an old acquaintance of mine comes up to say hi. He giggles and says to me “you know all these things are rigged.” A few words are exchanged between Michael and this other guy and then it was over. They got into it and the next thing I know we are being escorted outside. Come to find out this acquaintance of ours was being a total punk ass jerk taunting Michael and laughing about the fact that I didn’t win the contest. When he came up to me acting all nice he got what he deserved.

Long story short the little punk got totally embarrassed in front of his friends and his only recourse was to press charges. Sadly for him not only did he loose his pride that night but he was forced to realize he has no back up. His whole pack of “friends” ran when he and Michael got into it. That will teach him that was comes around goes around.

Needless to say all of this weekends plans had to be rearranged. My member, I am so bummed, had to be called and told we had to reschedule. I hope he understands and does not hold it against me. I had to cancel my cam and I am clearly a day behind. Yes I lead a wild life but let me tell you there is nothing more endearing than a man who stands up for his friends and family and in a “real” manner. Michael and I should have been born much earlier in history, when men were men and they fought with fists and not guns or lawyers. I quess we are modern day cowboys! (and cowgirl!) yea haw!


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